What People Are Saying
Dear Marci, I just wanted to let you know that bought your Daily Inspirations Book at a little gift shop in Crossville TN. I love it. It could be a book to live by.
Thank you for sharing your talents with the world.
Keep writing. Don’t stop. The simplicity of your characters is what the world needs.
I love the website as well.
Thanks again. Smiles, Gail Brabson from Knoxville TN
Dear Marci,
About a year ago, my three childhood girlfriends and I had one of our yearly get togethers. We usually bring each other a small gift and go somewhere for a short weekend away from the families and the busy hectic
One of the girls brought us each, one of your Children of the Inner Light Friends Mugs #62008 and we were thrilled. I recently emailed her to thank her again because I use it everyday at work and it is such a reminder not
only of our trips together but of all our childhood memories growing up in the neighborhood in Little Rock.
When she emailed me back she expressed regret that there had only been three at the store where she found them and she didn’t have one. Do you know where I could purchase one for her for this year’s get together?
Thanks and God bless. Lana Davis
A teacher writes…..
Dear Marci,
I am a friend of Jack’s and he showed me “Daily Inspirations” while we were having dinner one night. I was delighted with it and Jack passed along my reaction to you. You sent me an envelope filled with lots of goodies which I then shared with my class. I wanted to share with you the effects your ideas and inspirations have had on me and my students.
We took the theme “Follow your Dreams” and created a bulletin board. We discussed aspirations we had for the future and began writing in our journals. We listed and shared the many dreams we had. After that, the kids wrote essays about their dreams and drew self-portraits, including details of their dreams for the future. I have taken pictures of the bulletin board and would like to send you the products of your inspiration.
This year my class begins some days in a circle sharing ideas, feelings, and stories. The children pass around little bears we’ve collected, to hold before they share something with the group. We’ve included the rag doll you’ve sent to be a part of the group. The children truly enjoy cuddling with the doll as they share their innermost feelings with the group. It holds a special place on our windowsill in our classroom.
Another way you have touched our lives is through your “Daily Inspirations”. Each day the students respond to a writing prompt. Your book has proven to be a very helpful source during our creative writing time.
For all of the above reasons, I would like to thank you for taking the time to share your dreams with us. It was very generous and thoughtful of you. The photos are on the way. I hope you enjoy them as much as the class did creating them.
Peggy Albiez
Hi Marci,
Just wanted to drop you a little note saying how much I like your little characters. My daughter is getting married in a couple of months and she and her fiancé chose your wedding announcements. They are getting a lot of compliments on them.
Take care and keep up the good work.
Mother of the Bride,
Jef L. Lawson
My name is Lisa Boot. I am a huge fan of your work and wanted to know if you had any picture frames for brother and sisters. My brother is getting married in September and wanted to give him a gift at the rehearsal dinner. Please let me know. Thanks so much..
Lisa Booth
Richmond, Virginia
Dear Marci,
love your products. my sister bought an I love my cat frame at a hallmark store to give a woman who adopted two of our feral kittens. she and i each later kept one cat. now she is dying to get that frame for herself, but alas, it isn’t available anywhere! is that available thru you? or perhaps is that available on a shirt? i would appreciate any help you could give me. thanks! tami
Dear Marci,
O.K., so you’re real. Well, I didn’t know that. I live in a small town. I teach in “east” Gadsden, black in racial census… I am white. Have been teaching English on the high school level in East Gadsden for 4 years…and I love it! Prior…taught at a private Catholic school for 15 years; 5 years before that in another “Christian” facility. Now, and only now, have I truly found something more than “racial tolerance;” students embody “racial equality, empathy and love”…it’s great when the adult issues of “race” do not have to be embodied by all the youth of today…even those in a southern proximity, surrounded by racially charged rednecks. That’s not to say life is perfect and problems do not exist, but the prejudice many adults still seem to testify to today, do not exist in my small, harbored-teaching domain. You have capsulated the feelings to which I ascribe…for the love, understanding and compassions of humans DO transcend racial barrier…and you do so in your unprejudicial black/white presentation. I purchased a “daughter” cup from a local retailer…Jireh’s Boutique…run by a young black woman. Purchased it almost a year ago…along with some dolls that I presented to high school graduates of the c/o 2000. Touched me; touched the one, of the four daughters, to which I gave the cup. She, in turn, treated me to a surprise “mother” cup…purchased at the Amy’s Hallmark in Richland Mall in Waco, Texas….she is a student at Baylor University. Alas, her cup “shattered” in a desk “fallout”…I have tried to track a replacement through the shops aforementioned. They, unfortunately, do not have any more. I decided that something so “personal” should be captured in time online.. and, voila, there was the Children of the Inner Light! So…though I have already called to check on ordering another cup for my daughter…as well as a magazine for additional purchases, if you publish one, I just wanted to tell you….THANK YOU for sharing thoughts that may come easily from the mouth but are channeled lovingly through the heart. You have managed to capsulate feelings expressively and succinctly…and I wanted you to know personally, I appreciate that and you. Have a wonderful day… Jan